Our Network of Professional Affiliations
Metro uses a wide range of products from around North America to ensure the job is done to the highest standards. The subcontractors we use have worked with us on a number of previous jobs and have shown that they partner with us well when it comes to goals and objectives. The suppliers we use have also worked with us successfully, and the long-standing relationship allows for competitive pricing.
Metro Concrete Restoration is a group within the larger company of Metro Testing & Engineering . We rely on their expertise in the areas of quality control and testing for different jobs.
The American Shotcrete Association exists to increase awareness of the variety of shotcrete processes available. They are a recognized leader in shotcrete knowledge and application.
We receive our shotcrete nozzleman certifications through American Concrete Institute® . They are a recognized leader in providing education and advancement of concrete knowledge.
In our mission towards sustainable and innovative construction solutions, the Sika Group has been a helping hand. Their knowledge spans the globe, and we are privileged to associate with them to provide industry-leading solutions for our clients.