Qualified Experts Offering Concrete Solutions in the Lower Mainland
We have been involved in a variety of water reservoir projects around Metro Vancouver. Many of these projects focus on increasing the waterproofness of the structure to ensure minimal leaking around joints. As with dams, these structures are a part of the potable water system of Metro Vancouver and great care needs to be taken on anything being brought into the reservoir to ensure there is no contamination.
Sasamat Reservoir
Combi flex is a common choice to increase the water tightness of the joints in reservoirs. Sika’s Sikadur-Combiflex® SG system is a modified flexible Polyolefin (FPO) waterproofing tape that spans the open joint and provides a flexible joint to allow movement as needed while maintaining a bond to the concrete substrate.

Sunnyside Reservoir
Metro was subcontracted by PCL to complete the installation of Cementitious Waterproofing on the newly constructed Sunnyside Reservoir in South Surrey. Metro’s crew of trained workers completed hydro demolition of the interior walls and floor slab prior to applying GEMPLAST TC; one of Gemite’s waterproofing products. When the interior surfaces were completed, Metro’s crew coated the exterior roof slab with GEMITE CEM-KOTE FLEX ST, which has since become a Pickleball Court.
Newton Reservoir
Metro Concrete Restoration visited the site of the Newton Reservoir in Surrey BC in March 2023. The purpose was to install joint sealant and apply cementitious waterproofing. One of the products used was GEMITE CEM-KOTE FLEX ST. This product is a highly flexible, fiber-reinforced, breathable, cementitious slurry, consisting of dry Component A and liquid Component B. CEM-KOTE FLEX ST is designed for positive and negative waterproofing of concrete structures in new construction and restoration. It is suitable for water and wastewater tanks, secondary containment structures, tunnels, concrete slabs, balconies, and patios with light to medium traffic.

Sewer and Drainage Structures
At the other end of the water infrastructure within Metro Vancouver is the sewerage system. Many of these structures are also concrete and sewer gases have a deleterious effect on concrete, and therefore require repairs. The challenge with these structures is more about keeping our crews safe in an inhospitable environment and making sure that all the procedures and equipment are in place to ensure a successful project including the health and safety of all our crew members.
JAMES WWTP – Abbotsford
Metro was subcontracted by Tritech to assist in the concrete repairs of the influent and effluent channels in the Headworks building of the JAMES WWTP. Work started with Hydro demolition within the channels after Tritech had installed the necessary bypass. Once the surface was sufficiently prepped, rebar was installed to augment any corroded rebar, and material was placed back using shotcrete. JAMES WWTP is the third largest secondary treatment plant in British Columbia.

Chilliwack WWTP
Metro was subcontracted by Tritech to assist in the concrete repairs to the primary tanks at the Chilliwack WWTP. Hydrogen Sulphide gas erodes the strength of the cement paste between the aggregate in the concrete causing the concrete cover of the rebar to erode over time. Metro has worked in these environments for many years and is familiar with both the cause of the concrete degradation and the best method for repair. In the case of the Chilliwack WWTP Hydro Demolition was used to prep the surface along with chipping prior to reinstating the concrete cover using shotcrete.

Highbury Interceptor
Another concrete structure is the Highbury Interceptor that is on the Metro Vancouver side of the Iona WWTP. This space required mitigating the biohazard, working in a confined space, while continuing to monitor the flow in the upstream pipe to ensure water levels didn’t exceed the capacity of the open two siphons.

There are many Dams around the Lower Mainland to maintain as a part of the Metro Vancouver potable water supply. Often these areas are remote and access is a challenge. As they are a part of the potable water system care needs to be taken to ensure no contaminants make their way from the dam surfaces to the downstream river that supplies the treatment facilities before being piped to the reservoirs for distribution throughout the lower mainland.
Seymour Falls Dam
Seymour Dam is situated inside one of the watersheds for Metro Vancouver’s freshwater supply. Our job was to replace the transverse deck joints to minimize leakage through the bridge deck.
Another aspect of the work was removing and reinstalling anchor plates and bolts on the dam itself. For this work, we relied on Pacific Ropes High angle rope access. They were able to install over 700 plates and bolts without the need for scaffolding, or crane access. The most efficient use of available deck space and funds.

Cleveland Dam
Cleveland Dam is at the south end of Capilano Lake and is a popular walking/hiking for locals and provides 40% of the drinking water for Metro Vancouver.
This project has a number of challenges that our team needs to overcome. Not the least of which is access. The job required us to waterproof the interior and exterior walls with a cementitious material with the goal of keeping water in the spillway from entering the concrete walls which would increase the deterioration of the concrete.
MCR will be partnered with Pacific Ropes; a high angle rope access company, to access areas that were unreachable or more economical than by crane.
To ensure there was no contamination of the river downstream we erected bulkheads at the end of the flip bucket to create pools that were able to be then disposed off apart from the river.

Marine Structures
Metro has worked on and around marine environments many times to date. These marine projects can provide unique challenges including getting access to remote sites and protection of sensitive environments. Each marine project has required its own special approach and we are proud of the practical solutions we have provided.
Fiberco Terminals
Metro was the successful tender to complete priority repairs on the concrete wharf structure at Fiberco Terminals. Metro Concrete Restoration started the Wharf Structure project in November 2022. Repairs were carried out from the water via a work boat and scaffolding that was set up under the deck of the wharf in order to complete repairs regardless of the tide level. All debris had to be captured and disposed of off-site in this environmentally sensitive area. This is one of many structures Metro has completed in environmentally sensitive areas.

Concrete Ships in Powell River
Powell River is home to nine Concrete ships, dating back to WW 1. All of the ships have a unique story of glorious days gone by, either as cargo or transport vessels during the wars. The Peralta is the largest in the group, dating back to 1921 and weighing in at 3,696 tons.
In the summer of 2009, extensive repairs to the exterior of the PerAlta were carried out to make it safe for cleaning and ultimately sinking as it was the oldest ship and in the worst condition. Currently, this repair appears to be holding up well with very little delamination of the repair noted. The repair program allowed the Per Alta to go from the ship in the worst shape, to one in the best shape. As a result of this change in status, the YOGN was now deemed to be the best candidate to reduce the footprint of the breakwater and become an underwater reef. The sinking of YOGN occurred in June 2018 and now sits on the ocean floor just off shore in the Powell River area.